05 December, 2016 | Service Area in TX

Tour Service Uniform and Experience the Difference

One of the biggest pains for many businesses is keeping track of employee uniforms. Between employees taking them home, misplacing them and the cleaning service damaging or losing the garments, many businesses spend thousands of unneeded dollars each year replacing these lost or damaged garments.

However, with the Blue Chip Tracking System® offered by Service Uniform, all of these issues are a thing of the past. Our unique system offers accurate, timely results, regardless if you have two or 200 uniforms to clean and maintain.

With our Blue Chip System®, you can feel confident about knowing what is going on with garments, where they are in the cleaning process and if they have been fixed without fail. We provide our customers with a Blue Chip Summary report, to ensure they have all the pertinent details of their rental program.

Unlike other barcode-based tracking systems, our RFID blue chip doesn’t fade or get wrinkled. This means tracking is guaranteed – regardless of how wet, hot or messy the conditions become.

Learn more about our unique tracking service with this video:

If you are ready for a better way to track and keep up with your business uniforms and garments, then you need to take advantage of our Blue Chip System® today. We make the Blue Chip System® easy and convenient for you to use and provide online reports you can access at any time. The process of delivery, cleaning, repairs and more are all noted and reported to you – this means you remain “in the know” regarding your uniforms and garments at all times.

Why should you keep wasting your money replacing lost, damaged or misplaced uniforms when we can offer an accurate, effective tracking method? We provide accurate, timely services that are unmatched in the industry. Contact us today to get started.

MAKE THE SWITCH! We are the family business you can trust.