14 April, 2015 | Service Area in TX

We’re Ready for Fiesta!

Service Uniform is your go-to for the best uniform rental company in the San Antonio area because our team is dedicated to you. Although we work hard every day for our customers, we can’t help but play hard too. That’s why we’re excited for this year’s Fiesta celebration here in San Antonio.

From April 16 to 26, the streets of San Antonio are going to be filled with fun events and live entertainment. As a local business here in San Antonio, we tend to get really involved in community events. Everyone here at Service Uniform is talking about Fiesta, and we know you are too!

This is one of the great things about being a local company. We’re large enough to take care of over 22,000 individuals in the San Antonio area but still small enough to get to know our customers and have fun. Share your Fiesta photos with us on our Facebook page and we’ll share ours, because that’s what friends do.

MAKE THE SWITCH! We are the family business you can trust.