01 August, 2019 | Floor Mats

Slip-and-Fall Statistics That Might Surprise You

slip-and-fall statistics

Slip-and-fall accidents happen, and they happen more commonly than you might think. Not only are slip-and-fall accidents dangerous for customers and employees, but they can potentially cost your business big money in lawsuits, medical bills, and worker’s comp.

While it’s not a topic talked about frequently, slip-and-fall risks are extremely important to think about. They can happen in many places such as door entrances where dirt and moisture gets tracked in, and kitchen floors where employees are running back and forth carrying food.

Here at Service Uniform, we’ve been supplying uniforms and other products since 1969. We are more than just uniforms and, because we understand how risky slip-and-fall accidents are, we supply high-quality mat services as well.

But how risky are slips and falls, really? And how can they affect your business? Here are some slip-and-fall statistics that might surprise you:

Frequency Statistics

According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), slips and falls account for over one million hospital visits yearly. The National Safety Council found that the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths is falls. In 2016 alone, 34,673 people died in falls at home and work.

Falls aren’t uncommon and, sometimes, they can be fatal. In fact, the incidence of falls go up with each decade of life. So, the older your employees are, the higher their risk is of slipping and falling. 

While you can hope a slip-and-fall injury can be rectified with some simple first aid, the truth of the matter is that falls can cost a business a lot of money.

Cost Statistics

While slips and falls do not constitute a primary cause of fatal occupational injuries, they do represent the primary cause of lost days from work. Not only will an employee taking off of work due to a slip-and-fall accident slow down your operations, but slips and falls are the leading cause of worker compensation claims for middle-aged employees.

Additionally, EHS Today reports that fall injuries cost $70 billion annually in the United States. From worker’s comp to medical bills, these accidents are extremely costly.

Reduce the Risk of Slip-and-Fall Accidents with Floor Mats

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, floors and flooring materials contribute directly to more than two million fall injuries each year. So, if these slip-and-fall statistics have taught you anything, it’s that you need to make sure you have your floors covered with high-quality mat services.

Floor mats help prevent slip-and-fall accidents by stopping tracked-in dirt, moisture, and other debris at the door. Service Uniform offers professionally-maintained mats that reduce tracked-in dirt by 80% which, otherwise, can leave your floors dirty and prone to more slip-and-fall incidents.

Trust the Mat Experts at Service Uniform Today!

Avoid risking customer and employee injuries and losing money today by investing in a top-notch mat service from Service Uniform. For more information about our floor mats, contact us today at 210-226-2233. We have experts on hand to answer all of your questions and pick the perfect plan for your business.

MAKE THE SWITCH! We are the family business you can trust.