03 November, 2014 | Blue Chip Tracking System

What’s Up With All These Circles?

Circles are all around us – from mechanics, to the arts, to nature and so on. Everywhere you go you will find circles (they’ve even made a holiday out of it) and to each person circles have a different meaning. In grade school we learned that the circle does not fit in the square, The Lion King taught us about the Circle of Life, and nature always takes our breath away with a full moon or a setting sun.

Here at Service Uniform, we know that circles are powerful which is why we use them in our brand. If you’re familiar with Service Uniform, you know that we pride ourselves as being the most innovative company in the industry, in this region. That’s because our Blue Chip System is one giant circle of customer satisfaction. Our Blue Chip System is different because we use little circular RFID chips placed in the garments to help us accurately locate and deliver each piece to our customers. Pickups and deliveries are always on time and contain the correct amount of garments.

It doesn’t stop there. We have circular catalogs, business cards, and even Blue Chip cookies for new customers. We’re surrounded by circles! If you’re ready to experience the power of circles (and the Blue Chip System) give us a call today for an evaluation.

MAKE THE SWITCH! We are the family business you can trust.